Advantages Of Microsoft Edge Over Microsoft Explorer From The View Point Of SEO
Right from the beginning of the Internet era, people have become accustomed with some very familiar terms. Internet Explorer, the official browser from Microsoft Inc., has been one such name that gained phenomenal popularity among the users of the Internet. In the opinion of the geeks, webmasters, and developers, the browser had been very successful and there can be no hesitation in accepting its utilities, but they also agree to the point that it had some limitations as well, especially for the search engine optimization applications. The website designers and developers also had a few issues with it, especially after the launch of responsive web design techniques.
However, things have changed quite significantly over the last few months, especially after the launch of Windows 10. This is a landmark development that has done very good and favorable things to the SEO people and website designers and developers. With Windows 10, they can now use a new browser, named Microsoft Edge. Though the publisher is same, both web browsers have some distinctive differences. As the differences go in favor of Edge, so it is quite obvious to conclude that the days are not far when the users would bid a goodbye to Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Origin of Edge:
As a matter of fact, Edge is the next generation of Internet Explorer the project of which was started to improve the engine that supported IE. Trident, as it is known as, was getting older, and that made it outdated in terms of meeting the SEO functionalities. The engine that is now a part of Microsoft Edge is created to interact with the latest requirements that are extremely necessary for web development and designing procedures along with search engine applications. The main intention behind the launch of Edge is to replace the older version with a brand new one that should have the capabilities to counter the increasing popularity of its rivals, in the form of Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
What’s the Difference between Edge and IE?
The technical advancement is the chief difference between Edge and IE. It would not be wrong if you conclude that Edge has been put into effect by discarding the older version. In the opinion of the experts, Edge is loaded with better and more standard support to fix bugs that IE was unable to do during the later stages of its operation. If you can understand the technical aspects of the browser, then the following things can interest you more:
- Many JavaScript polyfills that target at adding new and innovative features
- IE conditional comments
- Extra nesting tags to get work around CSS bugs
- Using well-matched title to aim exact IE Render modes
- Quirks mode causes
Making such a big change in the web world has been a rare incident, but it has been good for SEO professionals. With this browser coming into existence, they can be more successful in focusing their time to creating the right kind of content instead of optimizing the browser for the content creation. On the other hand, the web developers and designers can also have a direct benefit as they can have a better look at their designs and functionalities on the websites.